About Why’d You Eat That?

Have you ever found yourself wondering why you ate a certain food but couldn’t bring yourself to slosh through the scholarly journals and books? Want something more reliable than Wikipedia? Not certain what food is? Good thing you found me.

Why, Doug!? Why’d you eat the liver and onions!?

This is a food blog. I know, not another one, but hear me out. The point of the blog is to create engaging, factual posts using the history, anthropology, folklore, archaeology, whatever of food without boring the pants off the everyday reader. No opinion, purely research and information (maybe some speculation about deep down meanings). It won’t be an all-encompassing history of food and drink, but a casual and accurate exploration of food and drink. Once or twice a week (that was the original plan anyway) I’ll pick out a dish (macaroni and cheese), ingredient (cinnamon or hot sauce), or holiday (Thanksgiving) and do some research.

By now you may be quietly mumbling to yourself, “What the heck is the point of that? And why is this girl so awesome?”

The point is, food is important. It’s shaped human culture and along with that incredible and important influence comes some pretty nifty stories.

With great power comes great responsibility.

With great power comes great responsibility.

(source) (source)

I want to find out where those foods originated, their history, their use, mythological roots, use in the media, religious significance, symbolic significance, how to use them, how not to use them, and WHY people eat/use them. The who, what, when, where, why, and how’s of food.

I have a lot of questions.

I encourage people to contact me with their own food questions or ideas. I’ll look into it for you. It’s one big search for knowledge. Let’s share it!

Keep eating and asking, my friends.


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